Tuesday, November 15, 2011


While everything else is crashing down around me as if I'm experiencing a personal Apocalypse, the one thing that has gone extraordinarily well for me in 2011 has been my high short story submission acceptance rate. At some point, probably once I'd crossed the magic dozen, I decided to set a goal for myself of twenty accepted stories by year's end.

As of this morning, I met that goal.

I wasn't sure I would, obviously, and would not have complained had I "only" had eighteen or nineteen accepted. Hell,, twelve was wonderful enough! This past Saturday, I received a rejection for a time travel/serial killer story I wrote called "The Killer Repeats." I happen to consider this story one of the best I've written in a while, and those are always the toughest ones to read were rejected.

However, the following day, I received a response to my submission to the Static Movement Press anthology Make a Wish. The story, entitled "Maynard," revolves around a nerdy gentleman whose encounter with a "Granter" provides him with the ability to literally reshape the world into a dying, pain-filled mess with him as the only one immune to the suffering. The editor wrote this:

Well written and perfect for the anthology! Please complete and return the attached contract.

That brought me to nineteen. With three or four other submissions floating around, this whole twenty acceptances thing suddenly looked possible. Then I remembered an email I'd received from Open Casket Press, the publisher that recently accepted by short story "Midnight Service" for their Dead X-Mas anthology. They were looking to fill an anthology of general horror stories, as opposed to those written under the more restrictive requirements of a theme.

I queried (One always should, even when they've established a relationship with the editor/publisher) to see if he would be interested in a couple really short works I had. I was encouraged to send them along, and the following day, this morning, I received this message:

I will use them. Short and sweet by enjoyable.

And just like that, with about six weeks to spare, I'd reached my goal.

Now what the hell am I supposed to do?

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