Thursday, November 6, 2008


I was by no means a fan of his writing. I found it stilted and flat. His stories were often meandering apologist tripe seemingly accusing science for all of man's ills. His characters were usually over-developed and uninteresting, something I hadn't thought possible until I struggled through one of his novels. On top of it all, he was a gimmicky writer and a traitor to his science fiction roots.

But, dammit! He got people to read. And for that and that alone, he earned my respect.

Rest in Peace, Mr. Crichton. You've earned your place in history.


Tim said...

The few novels that I read of Crichton's were good, enjoyable fluff reading. And the movie "Jurassic Park" was definitely better than the book in my opinion, though I didn't care for the sequels much.

American Guy said...

"But, dammit! He got people to read. And for that and that alone, he earned my respect."

Hang on, by that reasoning, JK Rowling should be getting your respect too...

c nadeau said...

No she got soccer moms to read and those are not people. said...

lmao-soccer mom's are not people haha, hey I liked Crichton's book Timeline, I thought it was entertaining.

c nadeau said...

I didn't read that one. I enjoyed Sphere despite it being a total Solaris rip-off. He was certainly not untalented.

American Guy said...


c nadeau said...

HA! In your face, Aussie!!!

American Guy said...

don't make me come over there! ('cuz as of Jan 20th, i can ya know - without having to worry about being sent to gitmo)

(note to our reptilian overlords - i have nothing but respect for you. please don't hurt me)

scribe said...

LMAO!!! said...

I just noticed that your comment box is labeled "validate me"-i nearly peed my pants-thanks :)

c nadeau said...

I knew if I had faith someone would eventually notice that and react... said...

only have faith my child, and thou shalt move mountains, sell books and make people pee themselves with laughter, really is there anything else int the world that matters?

the Gods have spoken, so it shall be...

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