Tuesday, August 16, 2011


The first person to name the source of these lyrics wins a PDF version of the Kindle story of their choice:

Just what is the future?
The things we've done and said.
Let's just push the button. We'd be better off dead!
And I hate you! and I berate you ! and I can't wait to get to you...
The sins of all the fathers, being dumped on us - the sons
The only choice we're given is: How many megatons?
So I eschew you! And I say "SCREW YOU"!
And I hope you're blue too! We're all bloody worthless,
Just greedy human scum, The numbers all add up to a negative sum...
And I hate you! And I hate you! And I hate you...too!


robertswilson said...

"I hate you" by Edge of Etiquette

c nadeau said...

Okay, sir. I'm trusting you didn't research it. Winner!

robertswilson said...

Haha, I hadn't heard this in years. I can't listen to it without expecting it to stop abruptly like from the scene in Star Trek.

So, I'm going to choose The Sign-Maker! Been wanting to check it out!

c nadeau said...

your wish=my command.

robertswilson said...


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