Wednesday, September 21, 2011


You know how I'm always saying not to write stories to suit specific anthology themes because it will be difficult to get them published elsewhere? Forget it! At least, until something else gets rejected and I get all pissed off and disgusted again.

For now, I am elated. When I saw the following X-Mas themed zombie anthology accepting submissions,

I knew I had to drop everything else and try my hand at it. Which is odd because I don't really "do" zombie fiction, discounting my story "The Cubicle Dwellers," appearing in the current issue of Ghostlight.

I will take any opportunity to fly in the face of the accepted conceit of zombies originating form viral outbreaks, and so I scribed me up a voodoo-influenced tale of religious fanaticism that made me giggle school-girl-like. I wasn't sure it was what the kindly editor who had encouraged me to go ahead and send it was looking for BUT:

Four hours later, he wrote,


i can use it.

Four hours, people. That's practically unheard of. So, for now, ignore what I said before y'know, until I say it again and really mean it~

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