Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Quick List of Movies I Will Probably Never See

Without going into why, here's the list:

1. The Social Network
2. The Matrix Sequels
3. Pirates of the Caribbean Two, Three and the upcoming Fourth
4. Brokeback Mountain
5. The King's Speech
6. Shakespeare in Love
7. The Dark Knight Rises
8. 2012
9. The Bridges of Madison County
10. Another Avatar
11. Juno
12. Anything starring Jennifer Aniston
13. Dream Girls
14. Shrek
15. Terms of Endearment
16. Bend it Like Beckham
17. Slumdog Millionaire
18. Bull Durham
19. Hannah and her Sisters
20. Being John Malkovich

That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure more will occur to me~

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