Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kind words & praise

A reader who recently finished by novel, "Dreamers at Infinity's Core," had many nice things to say about it including:

"Dreamers at Infinity's Core is quite unlike anything I've ever read before...The story of Ned and Ernie is not for the unimaginative. In fact, prepare to have your own wild imagination stretched just a bit further."

Another referred to it as "Inter-dimensional awesomeness!"

I also received positive reviews for a couple of my kindle formatted short stories. "The Sign-Maker," my tale of a grieving son's revenge against the medical industry, earned the following accolades from a reader:

Christopher seems to have the extraordinary ability to quickly develop a character and draw us into his inner struggles in such a way that what happens next becomes urgently important to us."

And my Depression-era tale of a woman whose choices may portend horrible consequences for the world and humanity, "Destiny & Home-made Apple Pie," earned the following:

"[a]skillfully written and very engaging tale then picks up supernatural undertones and blossoms into a thought provoking finale..."

Now, if I could only get one for "In Green, Remembered."

Also, don't forget to check out my short story "No More Goodbyes" in the current issue of Sci-Fi Short Story Magazine.

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