Friday, October 11, 2019

Some of my Favorite Responses to Morons on News Articles.

While not as often as I once did, I still find myself commenting on news articles, mostly on Yahoo!, when someone makes a comment so moronic, so absurd and so goddam dumb that I simply cannot help myself. I try to be less antagonist these days, though, as long as they don't come at me that way.

 So, I have compiled a list of some of my favorite responses to (mostly) morons. Some of these are me replying to them replying to me but the majority are from my responses to their asinine comments or just my original comments on the articles. Some semblance of context is provided where needed:

  • Awesome attempt at a slam but next time make sure you know the difference between Deniro and Pacino.
  • Conservatives leveling accusations of McCarthyism is probably the funniest thing I've seen since they started quoting MLK!
  • You seem genuinely unaware of Kid Rock's origins so I would suggest you look into his song "Grits Sandwiches for Breakfast" and then come back and tell us what black music he used. I could also have you speak to a man of color who was there during Rock's DJing period as a fellow DJ who said his mic skills were sorely lacking.
    Or you could wallow in self-righteous ignorance. Your choice
  • Far too many identical comments supporting [Ron] Paul. And by identical I mean the wording, not the sentiment. Well, as we "Americans say,"Боже, благослови мать Россию."
  • Oh, Cam as in camisole. Adjust the silky lady undergarments and relax. Your maleness *snicker* isn't under attack here.
  • "Epic Pair Of Cat Leggings" is the exact phrase Nostradamus said would be uttered right before the endtimes.
  • Who in their right mind would give my comment a thumbs down? Oh...answered my own question!
  • You mean the 80's when people literally drove around looking for "guys that look gay" to beat nearly to death? Those were the days, my friend, lives were brought to an end...
  • You do realize Elton John is gay, not merely festive?
  • The scariest thing about [Steve] Bannon is that he can sometimes make lots of sense. just enough to momentarily convince you he's not an insidious hate-monger with a destructive ideology.
  • (Re: The Joker movie) You're not too swift, are you? Also prone to projection. I never once "blamed" anyone. I merely made the point that anytime someone creates controversial art involving violence like this, it should at least occur to them that someone who is mentally ill could imitate it. Anything else you inferred is from your own particular brand of self-righteous idiocy.
    But please continue your inane examples because they're awfully amusing.
  • "MIllenials are Killing Award Shows!"
    Hysterical details later tonight.
  •  Clever retort. You must be a real cut-up at the group home.
  • This seriously never occurred to him? Must be nice to float through life on a vapor cloud of your own cluelessness.
  • (Re: Epstein) Because sex offenders should get a free pass?
    When do you get to remove your ankle tether?
  • (Re: "Avatar") It was that rare message movie I agree with and still wanted it to shut up.
  • Interesting how all I see in the comments section are people whining about guns being a God-given right and how Beto don't know nuthin' 'bout no guns no way, but nobody is mentioning the incredibly sexist diatribe from this idiot commentator who obviously regards "his girl" as property/\
  • What does it feel like to have been born in the past few hours with no knowledge of history.

I hope you enjoyed these. If not, you won't want to read the next batch I post whenever I run out of posting ideas~

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