Monday, October 28, 2019

Script Update.

I've never written anything timely before, at least nothing that comes to mind. That changed recently with the challenge I received to write a whistleblower script for someone with the ability to get it produced. You can read all about that by clicking here.

Having never written a satirical script for hoped for immediate production, I was understandably nervous when I submitted it. Then I received the following response:

"Oh my God I just finished reading it. I loved it. I already have people in mind for different roles."

Well, that was a relief! I can't imagine what I would have done with what I consider to be a very funny 15-page examination of how stupid politics have become if she had hated it.

By the way, one of those people she had in mind for a role? He's typing this post.

More on that and a link to the Patreon excerpt tomorrow!

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