Saturday, December 15, 2018

Nine Things Social Networking Taught me that I Never Knew Before

Despite all the bemoaning of social networking and its various evils, one cannot deny its ability to inform and educate. I believe this happens in spite of itself but it still happens anyway. I freely admit the ten things below are things of which I was blissfully and perhaps tragically ignorant until I started "meeting" all the people on Facebook and Blogger (I despise Twitter and Snapchat).

If anyone is offended by this list, I am sorry you're so full of yourselves. If anyone isn't offended. I haven't done my job. The list, as always, follows:

  • There are actually intelligent, in many cases highly educated, individuals who were headbangers, i.e. metal-heads.
  • Some people literally only exist to advocate for one cause and have no apparent interests outside of it.
  • Genre fandom is filled with some of the absolute lowest forms of hateful, arrogant, judgmental sub-human life.
  • People who indulge in "Cosplay" are really, really, super serious about it! Like...really serious. Yeah...
  • The world of videogamers is rife with sexist assholes.
  • There either truly are people who believe thoughts and prayers can mitigate horrible tragedies or else people are so incredibly self-absorbed that they feel a simple sentence is all they need to contribute to the human condition.
  • The more individualistic a person claims to be, the more they're looking for someone to tell them what to think.
  • Millions of how people have no idea how to properly vet and disseminate information but they seem more than willing to allow someone else to do it for them as long as it makes them feel righteous.
  • Many people see correct grammar and punctuation as an inconvenient formality rather than a necessity.

    You may notice I chose not to qualify any of my points. I feel they stand alone well enough and, frankly, I don't feel the need to explain myself.  However, I am interested in what others think so share away~

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