Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Surprise Praise From a Possible Relative.

It always amazes me when someone not only finds one of my more obscure stories but also finds me and lets me know what they thought of it. In this instance, the person might actually be a previously unknown relative on my dad's side, which means basically anyone with my last name. Below is the email I received out of nowhere and my response to it.

To quote Andy Sandberg quoting Nicholas Cage: "That's kind praaaaiiiiseeee."

See below:

 I recently joined GLAHW (Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers) and picked up a copy of  Ghostlight Magazine which featured your story, "The Cubicle Dwellers" which I really enjoyed.  I admit I was thrown off a bit by the asylum part at the beginning, but the character's initial acceptance and integration into the job he previously detested and the "Lovecraftian" twist in the lunchroom were very cool because I assumed that they were just going to eat him.  It reminded me of a story called, "Don't Walk" by Chan McConnell that was part of the "Still Dead" anthology by Skipp and Spector.  I was also curious as to if you were by chance related to a [Names Deleted by request]Nadeau?  They are my uncle and aunt that used to live in Michigan.

Thank you,

Hi, Mary!
Thanks so much for the kind words regarding my story. I tried to do something I don't see being done with zombie fiction, as it is not my favorite sub-genre. Nice to see I succeeded with at least one reader!
I've never actually heard of [Names Deleted by request]Nadeau, but considering how rare the last name is, I'm willing to bet I'm related to you LOL
So, who knows? A relative with similar interests might have found me through a short story about how cubicle existence is not all that indistinguishable from zombies...

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