Saturday, August 29, 2020

2 of My Stories Are Available on KIndle...Again.

 I've decided to reactivate two of my Kindle offerings from 2011. One is my short story/tribute to my mentor Annabelle McIlnay titled, "In Green, Remembered." It was published in the massive tome of an anthology, "Miseria's Chorale" in 2013. Obviously the rights reverted back to me several years ago.

The other one is a short story collection titles, "From the Bridge & Seven Other Short Stories" which features an eclectic mix of story types and styles.

"In Green, Remembered" can be downloaded here for just .99.

"From the Bridge" can be downloaded here for just $1.99.

Judging by my history and disaffection with Kindle, it's best to assume they're available for a limited timE.

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