Monday, July 6, 2020

The Sermon on the...Me?

Previously, I posted about the Baptist pastor who enjoyed my short story "Ultimate Messiah Smackdown" enough to review it positively and mention using it as the basis for one of her sermons.
By the end of that post, I wrote about how I thought I might send her an email telling her how honored and thrilled I was. Well, I did. And with her kind permission, I am sharing our correspondence below:

Rev. Mindi Welton-Mitchell,

We have never met or corresponded but I ran across a review you wrote of a short story of mine in an anthology titled, "Alternative Theologies" and was moved by your reaction to it. I posted a more in-depth reaction on my blog which you may choose to read below:

I was especially moved by your intention to use it as a tool for a sermon you were planning. Naturally I'm curious as to whether or not that ever happened but whether it did or not, the fact that the story resonated with what can only be considered an "expert in the field" on that level fills me with glee. And I'm not a gleeful sort, by any stretch of the imagination. I hope you don't mind that I Googled your name when I saw that you were a pastor. 

Thank you for the kind words and if there is any input I can provide on the story, please feel free to ask.


Christopher Nadeau

Hi Christopher! Great to hear from you!

I did indeed use this story as an illustration in a sermon just over a year ago. I'll see if I can find a copy later. I preached about the illusions of the prosperity gospel and used your descriptions of Jesus and which Jesus do we choose to follow. Thanks for sharing your blog post, and I'm glad that both your story resonated with me and that my review was helpful!

I sold my first short story ever this year to the Space Force anthology, whenever Bob finishes it up, titled Space Force Chaplain. I'm excited to get it out into the world. 

Thanks again!

Blessings, Mindi

Excellent. Any blow I can help strike against the Prosperity Gospel is a worthy one! I look forward to reading the sermon whenever you locate it.

Congratulations on your short story sale.I admit I'm a little envious. "Space Force Chaplain" just based on its title is better than anything I've written this year!


Do you mind if I share your reply to my email on my blog?

Go ahead and share my reply. :)

Blessings, Mindi

I will be sure to share the sermon as well if and when she ever sends it to me~

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