Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Novel that Refuses to Die.

So, one of the librarians at one of the libraries I work for sent out an email telling people about an alternative to Amazon called "Bookshop," which is a consortium of independant bookstores. It's nice to see the so-called "little guys" managing to hang in there in the face of the ever-encroaching monolith Jeff Bezos' ego hath wrought.

Like any published author would, I immediately typed in my name and saw one of my novels available in their catalog.

I see the description still has that stupid editorial change from "thus" to "this" that still makes no sense at all. It's correct on the back cover blurb, just not in the website descriptions.

Don't let that keep you from ordering it, reading it, and forming an opinion.

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2 Migraine-inducingly Moronic Posts

 No commentary, no attempts to rationalize. Just gaze, if you dare, on the stupid!