Monday, February 24, 2020

TV Shows I Was Really Into...Until I Wasn't.

Show: Game of Thrones

How Long I Lasted: One season and about three episodes into Season two.

Why I Stopped Watching: Two things: 1. The only character I cared about was dead, and 2. those damn baby dragons.

Show: The Walking Dead

How Long I Lasted: Four & a half seasons (Two Seasons too long)

Why I Stopped Watching: By season four, all of Frank Darabont's brilliance had faded and it became clear the show was written by sub-par intellects who only knownhow to repeat themselves every single year.

Show: Parks and Recreation

How Long I Lasted: 2.25 seasons.

Why I Stopped Watching: Started out funny but by season three, I felt a desperate hysteria creeping in. 

Show: 24

How Long I Lasted: Three seasons (4-6)

Why I Stopped Watching: It went from mildly clever to painfully ludicrous and beyond contrived.

Show: Supernatural

How Long I Lasted: Six seasons

Why I Stopped Watching: My TV broke and by the time I got a new one, I no longer cared.

Show: Justified

How Long I Lasted: Four Seasons.

Why I Stopped Watching: Took too long of a break between binge-watching seasons and lost the flow. 

Show: Better Call Saul

How Long I Lasted: Two seasons.

Why I Stopped Watching: It was no "Breaking Bad" and that became more and more obvious as it kept shying away from the more interesting elements of its predecessor. I'm sure it all pays off eventually but as of now, I don't really care.

Show: Agents of SHIELD.

How Long I Lasted: 3.5 Seasons.

Why I Stopped Watching: After a rocky, dull start, seasons two and three kicked into high gear with some amazing storytelling. Then season four turned into a listless, meandering mess.

Show: American Dad

How Long I Lasted: Unsure. At least four or five seasons.

Why I Stopped Watching: Once the show seemed to have lost interest in comedy and just started doing hamfisted surrealism, ya boy was out!

Show: Millenium

How Long I Lasted: Two seasons.

Why I Stopped Watching: After one hell of a setup at the conclusion of a second season the producers wrongly assumed would be their last, the show was renewed for a third season that was the clear result of network interference.

Show: Growing Pains

How Long I Lasted: 3/5 seasons.

Why I Stopped Watching: The whole purpose of the Mike Seaver character (Kirk Cameron before he became an insane religious fanatic) was to provide a counter-point to the button-down, conservative Eighties expectation of boys in the middle class. By having Mike suddenly become a college student, the entire premise of the show was betrayed and, believe me, it only got  worse from there. So many old man sweaters!

Show: Dallas

How Long I Lasted: Nine seasons

Why I Stopped Watching: The infamous "It was all a dream" dismissal of an entire season wasn't, in and of itself, so terrible, but it happened right after the strongest, most dynamic season since the early years. Unforgivable.

Show: Santa Barbara

How Long I Lasted: Three seasons.

Why I Stopped Watching: Yes, I watched a soap opera! I was really young, damn you! But even I couldn't handle so many different faces playing the same characters.

Show: Gotham

How Long I Lasted: Half a season.

Why I Stopped Watching: An intriguing premise simply cannot make up for so much uneven acting.

Show: Mad Men

How Long I Lasted: Two seasons.

Why I Stopped Watching: Once I realized the mystery surrounding Don Draper was the only thing holding my interest, season two became a laborious slog.

1 comment:

Terry said...

I thought Gotham's writing was much more uneven then its acting. There were a couple weak links in the cast, certainly - I was never convinced by McKenzie or Erin Richards - but Logue and Lord Taylor and Pinkett Smith more then made up for it.

To be fair, though, it's been years since I saw it and I'm pretty sure I only watched the first half/two-thirds of season one and a scattering of episodes from season two (and maybe three).

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