Before I mention why I would never wear the T-shirt pictured above in today's dumbed-down, easily triggered world, permit me to provide a bit of free advertising for those who would, so I don't get accused of copyright violation again. Click here for the advertisement that provides you with the ability to buy an easily misinterpreted and misunderstood shirt.
"Kill Your Darlings" is a perfectly cromulent literary expression. Ironically, it came from a highly regarded author whose work has always left me cold. William Faulkner's famous quote dealt with reaching a point as a writer where one is no longer so emotionally attached to characters, sentences and ideas that it becomes impossible to kill, delete or erase one or more if the plot demands it. It's damn good advice and I have followed it pretty much since the beginning.
(For a comprehensive overview of the quote and its meaning, click here.)
"Somebody GOTS to die!" is my mantra when it comes to certain stories. For instance, whenever my "Infinity's Core" trilogy is published, not all of the characters I've grown to love will emerge unscathed. I'll let you decide what I mean by that. My point is, however, that I subscribe to that axiom with all my heart.
Wearing a shirt emblazoned with it is another--ahem--story entirely. To be blunt, there are far too many idiots in the world, and they are emboldened by social media where their fellow morons operate on pure emotion and reflex as opposed to reason and curiosity. These aforementioned mental furballs will view the shirt as an endorsement of killing people, probably women, and I'll likely be labeled an incel or...well, I can't think of much worse than an incel.
Gone are the days when I delighted in having to explain things to people. Back then, I sincerely believed people were genuinely curious and capable of understanding. Nowadays, people react with such manufactured outrage at mere word choices, it wouldn't surprise me if someone felt "triggered"by the word "kill." never mind that actual triggering involves real trauma and its resultant PTSD such as being abused as a child and suddenly witnessing a violent act. Half the triggered people haven't experienced a damn thing; they just want to be included.
Then there are those imbeciles who can't comprehend simple concepts and always seem poised to take whatever you say or write and turn it into something totally different. As I write this, I am embroiled elsewhere with a MAGA-head who labeled me a member of ANTIFA because I clarified someone else's point that he did not understand. Trying to help people not sound stupid has no become viewed as a hostile act.
So, as much as I like the shirt and its message, that's a no from me, dog.
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