Monday, October 22, 2018


The anthology in which my short story, "The Last Big Gamble" appears certainly garnered a mostly negative reaction from this reader! I guess I got off easy since she never mentioned me or my story because yikes!

It happens, of course. Tastes are subjective and since this particular reader identifies herself as a Las Vegas resident, accuracy and authenticity are important to her when writers represent her city. Some of the criticisms she has of the anthology in general are definitely worth paying attention to, particularly where she wrote, "After completing the collection, I couldn't help but wonder why these other authors didn't think of using Vegas history to create a cool story like this author did, instead of creating half-assed barely-about-Vegas stories."

I understand that reaction all too well. Stories set in Detroit and other parts of Michigan often feel like they were written about the East Coast using dialogue no one in my home-state would utter. But sometimes the concept and plot are good enough that that isn't a deciding factor for me. This reviewer clearly doesn't feel that way. For her, authenticity seems to be paramount and that is a perfectly valid reaction. 

However, I did intentionally make vague allusions to how Vegas got its start without providing a blatant history lesson. My story takes place in a post-vacation destination reality where people barely remember what it was like before. Something is alive in the desert and is feeding off their hope. If a story about tragic people desperately trying to break even with the odds stacked against them isn't about Vegas, then perhaps that city has a lot of work to do on its reputation with the rest of the world. 

I am glad the reviewer found two stories she enjoyed, however, whether or not mine was one she even noticed. Can't please everyone. 

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