Monday, August 20, 2018

Excerpt from a (so far) Rejected Short Story.

The following is a passage from a story I wrote very quickly called, "Arnold's Jurassic Trinity" for an anthology looking for robot dinosaur stories. Unfortunately, for them and for me, they chose not to publish it. Still, I'm rather pleased with it and thought I'd share a portion of it just because:

Here’s the thing: Almost every supposedly delusional thing that came out of Arnold’s mouth that wasn’t about undesirable pregnancy came from a movie. He sat in the library for hours watching video clips. Those clips then inspired him to conjure up whatever he latched onto. It was inevitable that he would eventually hit upon something that actually worked.
    “I tried with the bees first,” he told a member of the Circulation staff. “They were too small, so the souls wouldn’t fit inside.” He laughed. “They kept exploding!”
    Bees exploding from souls. Sadly, that was just a typical Arnold rant to most of them. One person pointed out the obvious difference in his narrative by mentioning how there seemed to be action involved this time. Normally an Arnold rant involved nothing but speculation and assurances of Great Plans being in the works. This time, the person said, he actually claimed to have done something.

Makes me want to read more! ;)


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