Thursday, April 25, 2013

Voluted Tales: A Study in Consummate Professionalism

A few months ago, when Mark Turner, EIC and publisher of Voluted Tales announced the online magazine's relaunch, I was apparently one of the first to submit a short story for their consideration. Somewhere along the way, the story got lost. At least, that's Mark's story, and he's sticking to it. I like to think its brilliance was so stunning, it caused temporary memory loss and hysterical blindness.

Mark wrote, "I'm not sure who did it, but the content panel of the submission has been wiped accidentally by one of the staffers and we don't have a back up." He asked if I wouldn't mind resubmitting it directly to him. Since it had been a while, he wanted to read the story personally. He also did something that impressed me no end: He vowed to get back to me the following morning. Then he did something even more bizarre: HE KEPT HIS WORD!

As if that wasn't satisfactory, he also accepted the story for publication. Below is what he sent me regarding the story. Keep in mind that whenever someone from the UK uses the phrase "Go down," I titter like a schoolgirl because its meaning on this side of the pool is rather...different.

Morning Christopher,
At least I think it's still morning over there, I'm running a little late.
I think Fly Wielder will do just fine. Clean, well-told and an original idea. It'll go down a treat.


Anyway, the story will see publication sometime around the fifteenth of May. This is a story I've been struggling with for years and I'd finally done a massive edit/rewrite thanks to the suggestions of someone on another online magazine's message board. This is why listening is good. .

I'll pass the soapbox to someone else now. Mark Turner and Voluted Tales is a class act and I am beyond pleased to be welcomed aboard by them~

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