Saturday, January 11, 2020

Now That's an Anthology!!!

I enjoy theme descriptions that make me say, "Wait...What?" as much as the next fiction writer, so when I happened upon the one for "Genderful," I naturally felt the need to share. For you see, this is no mere anthology discussing gender norms and the subverting of them. Not when the description includes this little gem:
 Short story submissions that explore the implications of non-cisgender life within the context of furry.

Now that's specific! And were I up to the challenge, I would have to take a stab at it, but alas I ain't 'bout that furry life. That doesn't mean I'm not down for doing some reading, however. I'm all for unique voices that challenge the status quo; no Sad Puppy here! 

So I wish the publishers at Hybrid Ink all the luck and I thank them for the standout anthology description. And for those us you who don't know what a "furry" is, (don't feel bad, I didn't always) they're not quite as fascinating as Bronies but click the link below for a full and detailed description:


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