Monday, March 19, 2018


I received the following email last week:

Hello, Christopher. Due to the overwhelming success of ERIE TALES, there has been an uptick in demand for previous issues.  We are very excited; however, this presents us a new challenge:
We’re running out of table space! While we’d love to have all ten issues of ERIE TALES, we simply don’t have the room. ERIE TALES 1 through 4 are only available in ERIE TALES: OMNIBUS (Vol. 1). We will be doing the same for ERIE TALES 5 through 9, as we begin to phase out production. ERIE TALES 5 has been out of print for over 3 years.
As we begin to consolidate, we are aware that there may be no contract signed for previous anthologies and we did not want to wade into a gray area of copyright without consulting our authors first.  Without your consent, our options are to pull the anthologies completely, robbing future readers of your stories, or excising specifically your story/poem. We’d really rather not do that.
We would like the opportunity to reprint your tale “Jeremiah's Malady” from ERIE TALES 5. We are confirming non-exclusive reprint rights of your story/poem for the print and digital editions of ERIE TALES: OMNIBUS (Vol II). Aside from the corrections of the typographical errors and general formatting clean-up, this stories may be identical to previous versions. There is no payment associated with the reprint of this anthology and no contributor copy is offered. In the event of space constraints, we may not be able to print all confirmations we receive, but we will let you know either way.
Your response (a Yes or a No) to this email is all that is necessary.  If you would like a new bio added, do send that along as well. 
Please respond by June 1, 2018.


Peggy Christie, Secretary
Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers

Naturally I gave my permission. They're a good group and I was once a member and, honestly, I'd forgotten that story even existed! It was about a sentient virus that an entire bloodline had to carry lest it escape and infect the human race.

So once again somebody emerges from the ether and pulls me back into the writing world.

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