Wednesday, April 15, 2015

When You Feel Dumber than a Linguistic Genius.

We all make mistakes. Even Sara Palin does, and she's the smartest person in the world! The grizzly mom's vast intellectual prowess aside, I recently contacted the wrong editor about the wrong thing, only to realize too late that I'd actually done it once before, as the following email from the wonderful Brett Reistroffer of Bad Dream Entertainment will attest:

Hey Chris,

By any chance are you confusing email addresses/editors again? Because we haven't been accepting subs for a little bit now.

But since I have you, I'll give you a quick update. We're getting our annual antho together right now, which will feature 'The Love of a Good Entity'. We're shooting for a fall (Oct) release, and it's tentatively titled 'Dark Little Dreams'. I'll keep you, and the rest of the authors updated as things move along. In the meantime, you could send over your mailing address for the contributor copies, payment info (Paypal address or if you want checks I can use your mailing address), and an author bio if you want something other that what originally appeared with the story.

Thanks and talk to you soon,
Brett Reistroffer - Editor, Bad Dream Entertainment
I think "The Love of a Good Entity" is one of the best things I've ever written and I am proud to see it going from one published format to an actual collection.
So, despite being dumber than Sara Palin, it all worked out in the rear.

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