Friday, August 10, 2012

An Example of a Class Act.

The following is an email I received from one of the editors of an anthology that rejected a story of mine. The story has since been accepted elsewhere. I was most impressed with the sincere follow-up:

Dear Dark Faith 2 Submitter,
After I wrapped up work on the original Dark Faith anthology, I wrote a note to all the writers that took the time to send me a story. Now that the second volume is headed to the printers, I can take a moment to say thank you. Whether you wrote a story specifically for us or already had one on hand, Maurice and I appreciate both your interest in our anthology and the time and energy you put into your work.
If you’re interested in a peek behind the scenes, I wrote a blog post on the process of making Dark Faith 2. It includes a breakdown of the number and type of submissions, the process we went through to get to a final table of contents, and an analysis of the stories we accepted.
We suffered from an embarrassment of riches when it came to this book and had to pass on far too many terrific stories. To that end, I asked the publisher if there was any way we could offer you a discount on the new book. I’m happy to say Apex agreed to give submitters a 20% discount and free shipping on preorders. So if you’re interested in picking it up, follow this link to the Apex store and enter the discount code:  (Code removed for obviously reasons)
Thanks again for your submission. I hope you’ll consider sending us more stories in the future.
Jerry Gordon
Co-editor, Dark Faith Invocations

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