*Stolen with gratitude from Facebook
This has been me for many, many years. Obviously I'm not alone or nobody would have created this meme. Okay, maybe I would have, but nobody else.
This year I resolved to begin and complete my novel "2012/2021" and I am on track to see do. All other ideas and short stories have been set aside and this book is literally the only fiction I have worked on since the year began.
I fully expect to be finished with the first draft by no later than mid-June.
The writing of "2012/2021" has been incredibly rewarding, perhaps the most rewarding writing experience I have ever had. It is the novel I've always felt I had in me but was not yet able to capture it the way I wanted. The pandemic changed that.
So, if anyone still reads this blog and was wondering why I don't post as often as I used to, that's the reason.