Wednesday, April 18, 2018

They Love me in Other Countries?

Something that's probably only of interest to me and possibly one as yet unrevealed stalker out there in the literary hinterlands, here is a snapshot of my stats randomly chosen from a recent date. It doesn't interest me as much to know how people are finding this page (Hell, Facebook!) but where they're from when they find it does.

I'm not ashamed to admit I had to Google "Belarus."

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Quote of the Week brought to you by anti-Millenial Bashing

"Baby boomers reaped the rewards of an economic system that was geared towards middle class families and as they grew up into power and money, they changed the system to favor the wealthy and themselves."
                    -From a Comment on a Bernie Sanders Post

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Amazing what one finds when typing in the title of one's own story to try and remember where it was published. While looking up my short story, "And What's Left of the World's a Better Place for it," I discovered its inclusion on the Internet Speculative Fiction Database. In addition to that one story, ten others are listed dating back to 2011.

So, if you're ever looking for a quick, non-Amazon way to find some of my work, this link will provide it.

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